Chapter 2
Wincing, the woman named Sally Po came too with a start, bringing her head up with exaggerated care. The first thing she realized was the fact that she was still alive. The second thing that she realized was that she *HURT.*
And one of her arms seemed reluctant to work. Wincing she brought her other arm up slowly, pressing her palm against her forehead gently before she broke open her eyes.
Brown textured cloth. Stained with dried or drying water. Blood? What the *hell*??
Her lap. She was looking at her lap. Grunting softly she brought her head up further, blinking at the sudden brightness. Light. Fractured. She blinked.
'Oh my...' It was the view screen. Shattered into several tiny pieces in an intricate spiderweb of light. Beyond it, pressed against it, seeming to eagerly want to eat up the spaces in the glass cracks, was an abundance of foliage. Right in front of her...
'Nothing can shatter that thing.' She thought dully of the view screen. 'It's supposed to withstand weapon's fire in *space* damn it, how could...'
Things began to click more rapidly in her mind. She was still tied down... by her halter. She was still sitting in the cockpit of the cruiser. Unnaturally twisted metal flooring extended out from beneath her feet. A very damaged console laid by her side. How the heck could she be still alive...??!
Other senses began to kick in... her hearing for one. Birds. Animal sounds. Leaves rustling in the wind. All the sounds were too close and too sharp sounding to be shut out by walls. Suddenly she remembered.
WUFEI!! Scenes flashed through her mind in rapid succession -- the plummeting vessel, a blinding flash of light, Wufei being wrenched away, cool rain on her face as she screamed over and over and over again...
Letting out a silent cry, Sally turned her head towards the left side of the cruiser, only to find that the left side of the cruiser didn't exist anymore. A gapping jagged hole extending from ceiling to cockpit floor formed in its stead. The whole entire side of the cruiser had been ripped away.
Wufei was gone.
'If he's gone, he's gone.' She shook her head slightly. 'Your survival comes first. And if he is still alive, than you can go find him *after* you've found out if you even have the ability to do so.' Drawing in a deep breath, Sally began to unhitch her straps. She *was* right, she reasoned with herself silently, working hand fumbling. 'In this foliage it may be even better if you just focus on getting the radio fixed and have rescue teams look for him...'
She pressed her lips into a fine line and continued working on her straps.
It took her little less than an hour to get herself away from the twisted wreckage of the Preventer cruiser and assess the damages to both herself and her transport. The cruiser was damaged beyond repair and was never going to fly again, she had decided quite abruptly. She, however, wasn't damaged beyond repair and was most likely going to survive. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, wincing slightly. The doctor in her had quickly assessed her condition and repaired herself with ease. She smirked slightly, please with herself. Even a boy she once knew named Heero Yuy would have been impressed. Her left shoulder had been dislocated, which explained that arm's reluctance to function properly. She fixed it herself with a shot of morphine, the side of the cruiser and the other arm. It now resided in a makeshift sling around her neck. Her ribs were bruised and ached every time she breathed. Nothing much she could do about that. She had several scraps and bruises, especially to her head and arms... none of them fatal. She had survived the crash amazingly intact.
The cruiser however, had not. The radio would have been okay, but there was no power at all to activate the object. Looking despairingly at the wreckage, she once again climbed on board, moving though the cockpit to the back compartment, inspecting the tiny utility sleeping compartments. They were in a little bit of better shape. Sighing Sally reached down and picked up the first aid kit she had brought out and put it back carefully into the slightly mangled wall. She then walked into the last room, where the supplies resided. There was a huge hole in the hull here too, most of the spare equipment and space suits had been torn away.
There were still some supplies left though, she noted with relief. Thank goodness. Crouching down she gathered up a couple of the remaining sacks of rations, dubbing a couple of the damaged ones as "good enough anyway." And then she found the most valuable item of all.
A back up power cel. Letting out a little yelp of happiness, Sally dug it out of the wreckage, flinging branches and huge leaves out of her way. Perfect. With this she could hope to perhaps power the main radio and call for help...
As she leaned down to pick up the burdensome object, another object slipped out of her belt and clattered to the floor.
It was her short wave radio. She stared, he breath suddenly hitching.
The rescue teams would look for him...
Screw that. She was fine. Her shoulder was aching -- badly -- but it was going to be okay. She had a power cel and the radio and more than likely could get both the objects to work. She was going to look for her missing partner, no matter what the odds were of her finding a body intact, let alone alive.
It was a little less than a half an hour later that Sally sat back in the battered cockpit, fiddling with the short wave radio. She was tense... her shoulders set and lips pierced as she tuned the small device into the proper frequency. A quick scout of all the area around the crash site had revealed nothing, except for one of the spacesuits, torn quite to pieces and residing in the upper portion of a huge tree.
He was dead.
He had to be. No one could survive being thrown from a cruiser as a portion of it was being ripped away. She paused. ... except maybe for Heero Yuy.
Yes, but... she reasoned with herself silently. Wufei *isn't* Heero.
Still it was enough. She had to try. Bringing her good arm up, she clicked on her radio, forcing her voice to be calm and steady.
"Dragon, this is Water... come in please..."
And a couple seconds later in a slightly more strained voice... "Wufei... if you can hear me, Wufei..."
:: Wufei.. .::
It was... a voice.
He could hear a voice. Moaning softly, low enough so that only he could hear, but loud enough that he could reassure himself that he was still *alive* at least, Wufei turned an aching head toward the noise.
There was static. Ah. His mind placed things together. Belt clip. Short wave radio. Partner. Sally. That made sense to him... the voice belonged to her.
:: Wufei, *static* - ou can hear me...:: Even over his personal radio her voice sounded distressed. :: Wufei, this is Water... please reply... :: Her voice cracked. Stupid woman, he thought for a moment, making a face to show his exasperation. I'm right h...
... where am I?!
He allowed his eyes to slit open a crack, slowly focusing on the world about him. It was green. Very green. And dark. And damp. He blinked a couple of times, trying to convince his eyes to clear. Where....
:: *static* - fei... ::
There. His eyes focused on a the small black object where it lay half buried in leaves a little less than two feet away from his head. "Sally..." he began, then belatedly remembered that he had to click the button first. Wincing he went to move his hand to grasp the tiny object.
And stopped. He couldn't move his arm.
Eyes widening, he attempted to move his other arm. It jerked to the side slightly, then stopped.
He attempted to sit up and failed at that miserably. He fell abruptly back into foliage, his shocked mind attempting to process this...
Was he hurt? No, a quick mental assessment of bodily signals informed him that he amazingly all right. What then? He was *restrained*...?!
He managed to strain his neck upward slightly to take in the fact that yes, he was restrained, but by nothing that appeared to be man made. Thick, almost unnaturally smooth vines seemed to be curled tightly around his arms and legs in several places, holding him effectively on his back in a little nest of greenery. Still wide-eyed, Wufei jerked tentatively against them a couple of more times... nothing gave.
Breathing in once, sharply, Wufei *thrashed*. Still nothing gave. If at all, he could have sworn that the vines got tighter. Now he was still effectively pinned and worn out to boot, he reflected darkly. Cursing himself for not thinking clearly and attempting to assess his situation *first*, the slightly panting Chinese pilot scowled. He turned his head to stare upwards, taking in the large canopy of trees and branches above him, so thick that they blocked the sun. 'Calm.' He commanded himself. 'You need to...'
:: Wufei, this is Water... :: the crackling radio continued. Sally's voice was definitely distressed, and it was something that irritated Wufei slightly. 'And you calm down as well, woman, I cannot *think* clearly with you carrying on like......'
He jerked his head back to stare at the small radio. Sally's voice wasn't anything like he was used to it being. She was very much in distress, her voice full of emotion... tears? There was something else to it... was it fear? And he suddenly realized why.
She thought he was dead. Which he wasn't... Wufei closed his eyes briefly. My partner's out there somewhere.. alone... and I need to let her know that I'm okay...
He reopened his eyes again, narrowing them in determination as he focused on the small crackling object. He *needed* to get in contact with her. Somehow.
Focusing on relaxing, Wufei let his arm go completely limp. There. After a moment it was as if the vine that was presently gripping his wrist relaxed as well, loosing slightly. Now if he just moved his arm - slowly - in that direction...
He let out a shocked cry as the vine suddenly constricted, gripped his wrist with a violent force, jamming his hand back against his side.
At the same time Wufei saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Jerking his head up, he focused on the movement. Another vine. Incredulous Wufei watched as the tendril crept of the bushes around his head, seeming to be almost intelligent-like as it began to feel about. It stopped when it came upon the active radio. Slowly the vine began to curl around the device.
:: -fei please re - *static* ::
Wufei's eyes widened with horror. The sound from the radio was cut off very suddenly as the vine constricted on the noisy little object. The vine continued to constrict and continued... with a slightly popping sound the electrical device broke, bits of silver metal and black plastic littering the ground around it. Seemingly satisfied, the vine released it's grip and un-coiled slowly, dropping the rest of the shattered object before slinking back in the leaves.
End Chapter 2
((Chapter 2 notes: *Marie repeat to yourself... "I will not write hentai involving vines, I will not write hentai I will not write hentai involving vines, I will not...."* ^^;;))