Marie's Ninja Turtle Fanart

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04/97 - I very first started drawing Ninja Turtles in grade 10 and this was one of the first drawings I did. (Yes! You can date-age me now! *lol*) This picture of Raphael was mostly done at church, while I was at a chior practice. I recieved many weird looks for it. (She's drawing a turtle. Okkkayyyy.) I looked off of a tiny b/w newspaper clipping for the pose, adding color where there was only shadow. I was sure that the clip was of Raphael that I was quite shocked to find, quite some time later, that it was actually Donatello in that pose.

(As with all of my pictures here ~ click on thumbnail to get larger uncropped version)

Agnes Raphael

01/98 - An earily shot of Agnes... Raphael's daughter. I drew her and made her to be a little bit closer to psychotic then sane. Agnes still remains one of my favorite "original" characters, I loved the fact that she was a turtle-- yet she had mounds of firey red hair and a distinctive female yet lethal flair to her.

Later on in my Ninja Turtle FanFiction (of which I'm never going to post because of abundant self-insertion) I had her absolutely LOATH Leonardo. In fact I gave Leo and Agnes a perfect love hate relationship. (Yes, I'm evil.) But more of that later. ;D

Donatello Wearing Water

02/98 - I really enjoyed doing these pics. The "guys wearing only water" was a concept made up by my friend Jerri. Yes, I copied the idea (with permission of course! :D) and drew my own. Admittedly I feel that I can do much better now, but at the time it was my absolute best work. And I had so much fun drawing them too!

02/98 - Same concept as above, different brother. Oh yes, and drawn for my friend Krista, who liked Raph. A lot. *lol*

08/98 - A later picture of Donatello, caught in mid-stride. Done in watercolor. Probably my favorite picture of any of the turtles to date. Unfortunately I can't spell. :D

08/99 - Another shot of Agnes, this one included Leo. Done in pen and ink and pencil crayon. This picture I was only so-so about when I had finished it... I didn't quite like the shade of Agnes' hair, for example. It is a tad more burgundy. But still, it give you a good example of what her coloring is like. Oh yes and the human clothes... over time I discovered that there was a certain appeal to having her run around in (ripped) clothing for my male friends... *rolls eyes, lol* Apparently a female is extremely sexy if she not only kicks ass, but also is scantily clad in rip-able clothing. *Shrugs* who am I to argue with male hormones?? :D

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All images © Mirage Studios, the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles are the property of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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