Marie's DragonBall Z Fan Art
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01/30/02 - All right. A long LONG time ago I brushed off Dragonball Z as a rather ugly anime I never wanted to draw. Or watch. EVER. Then I came here to University and the first thing I do is try to find out if there are any other anime fans on my floor. Well I found one... a girl who, like me, both drew anime and wrote fan fiction. However she liked Dragonball Z and this guy named Vegeta. A LOT. I tried to stick to my guns, but alas, needless to say her enthusiasm for the series wore off on me, and next thing I knew I was in love with the characters and drawing Dragonball. Go figure. BLAME IT ON HER!! *lol* This picture is the first (well second) DragonBall picture I have drawn. It's meant to be funny. I don't know if I've gotten the characterization right... as of the date I drew this I had seen about 6 episodes and read about three fanfics... (all yaoi O_o). I did however, thanks to senzubean (which is her on-line name) have all the parents and kiddies figured out who belongs to which... (Trunks and Goten are sooo cute! ^_^) (As with all of my pictures here ~ click on thumbnail to get larger uncropped version) |
Vegeta - Marie Style 02/02/02 - Rough pencil sketch. This was drawn in the middle of an anime club meeting and was my third attempt at drawing DragonBall Z (2nd at attempting to draw Vegeta.) I had nothing to draw off of, so I ended up just drawing him how I remembered him but in my own style. It turned out... okay... not my best work, but not my worst by far. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how to do the hands, so I just gave up. -__-; |
Videl Realistic Sketch 02/09/02 - Just trying to get back into the swing of things by drawing Videl realistically. Picture needs to be cleaned up a bit. |
Sketch of a Saiyan 02/09/02 - Companion piece to the above one of Videl... It's of no one in particular. I liked how I did the arms and lower stomach area. :) |
Vegeta holding baby Bra 02/02 - My most popular DragonBall Z fanart to date, and one of my favorites as well. I drew it to give my friend warm fuzzies. It kinda makes you feel sorry for the guy doesn't it? He doesn't have a clue what to do with her... *lol* |
Sleeping Chibi 03/17/02 - Drawn in Church, and I drew it partily to make Leanne go "awwe!!!" (Chibi Vegeta is her thing ^_^) and partily to practice drawing a kid that looks younger than 10 years. Apparently I'm getting good at this... O_o |
All characters © their
respective owners.
All original characters © 2002 Marie Strom. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE
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